Review: Mammut Infinity 9.5 Protect

For as long as I’ve been climbing Mammut ropes have had a reputation for durability and good handling. The Infinity 9.5 Protect more than lives up to the standards they’ve set for themselves; a rope that works for a variety of types of climbing. Retail: $219.95 (for 70 meter) I’ve used this rope for most…

Castles Made of Sand

As climbers we all have that place, that favorite place where we’ve pushed ourselves to the limit and back, the place we could imagine our ashes scattered once our precious, short time is done here. For me, Castle Valley, is that place. by Luke Mehall, publisher of The Climbing Zine (originally published in the Utah Adventure…

Review: 5.10 Team VXi Slippers

This shoe fits like a glove. Perfect for overhanging terrain with foot trickery when you don’t really need to edge these superlight slippers, the Five Ten Team VXi’s could be a great addition to your quiver if you’re looking to get an aggressive shoe. Retail: $170.00 (Banner photo: when 5.10 introduced these at the Outdoor…

Straight Outta Squampton

I’ve got a confession to make people: I haven’t seen “Straight Outta Compton” yet. Like many hip-hop fans I’ve been excited about this movie since the project was announced, but when it was released I was up north in the land of Drake, not Dr. Dre. That also means I was out of town for…