editor’s note: Last month we got word of a very inspiring project called Rewilding. The project is centered around Anthony DeJesus, a formerly incarcerated young man from the Bronx, who has never left New York City. This summer he’s joining filmmakers and climbers Jesse Spiegel and Vitek Linhart, on an adventure across the West, which starts this Wednesday, July 22nd. This is their pilot episode, in what is truly a unique and inspiring endeavor.
Here’s more from the words of the filmmakers:
Through their experiences traveling the country in a van, rock climbing, farming, backpacking, practicing yoga, and connecting with people from different walks of life, the three will explore leadership, health, adventure, happiness, and sustainability.
This web series and documentary are the stepping stone toward the creation of Rewilding’s Alternative Adventure Retreat (RAAR) for formerly incarcerated young adults: A place for wilderness immersion, self-discovery, adventure, and sustainability education. RAAR has already partnered with seven transition programs in the Bronx and Harlem that assists young men as they transition back into their communities after incarceration.
RAAR will offer these men an opportunity to leave the city and head west where they will participate in a variety of hands-on activities that are aimed at developing leadership skills and promoting growth and healing.
”Rewilding is about returning to one’s natural state of existence and being true to one’s self!” Spiegel said. “We encourage everyone to step outside of the box of how we have been told to be and what we have been told is possible. In every living thing there is the desire and potential to grow when the conditions are right. Our goal is to help create the right space and conditions for individuals to reflect upon what inspires them, and to provide tools that help move them in that direction.”
For media inquiries about Rewilding please contact Suzanne Spiegel at suzanne@rewildingthefilm.com.
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Do y’all help all inmates that have been released