One persons project is another’s warmup. As climbing grows to be more competitive, I think we should all keep that in mind. In other words, I don’t really care that much about your project, and you shouldn’t care that much about mine.
However if we can use the story of our hardest climbs to inspire others, I believe that is where the magic lies. The second pitch of this climb, The Queen, located in Indian Creek, Bears Ears National Monument, took Dave Marcinowski and myself four and five years, respectively, to complete.
Dave went on to later link the first and second pitch. It is nearly 40 meters of .5 purple Camalots, and the second pitch gently overhangs. It was an honor to work on the climb so long with Dave. It was a pleasure to film with Jake Burchmore. We hope it inspires you all on whatever your project in life might be.
peace, Luke Mehall
Hey Luke, nice send buddy haven’t talked to you in a long time. Glad to see you still at it!