A roommate and dear friend of mine used to talk both eloquently and incessantly about her Purple Rabbit. She would describe its power, its pleasuring capabilities with the benefits of independence and non-attachment. Often I thought she shared to entertain our friends’ appalled reactions, although over time, I realized her serious appreciation for her rabbit. This was something I admired, but had never taken the extra step to pursue.
by Alexis McLean (note: this piece is published in The Climbing Zine Book)
Now let’s get something straight. I am a huge fan of masturbation. Both the solo act and the discussion with self-pleasuring comrades and newbies alike is a healthy and enjoyable benefit to being. As for the usage of an abnormally firm, purple, piece of plastic, with rabbit ears, well, it’s never really floated my boat.
Years later after our house of women, seven to be exact (in a three bedroom house) had gone our separate ways, a small item, brought me back to those brilliant years and the crimson bunny rabbit.
I acquired this small piece after feeling a rich urge to try something new. At the store it fit perfectly in my hand, light in weight and full of potential. At first I felt difficulty imagining how this little piece of metal could do what I needed, but after reading the manual, I felt completely inspired.
I walk up to the cliff. Used to chatting away with my partner on the trail, I find myself alone. The warmth of the sun makes my skin soften and my muscles release from my bones. Birds soar through lofts in the sky. Leaves rustle and dance in the summer air. I feel I am floating. Is this what she experienced? This joy and pleasure and independence of being with your own silence, your own strength, your own passion?
Move after move up the rock face, I touch dimples, cracks and depressions. I felt light, and free, intense pleasure by my own motivation, my passion and myself. I thought about her satisfaction and joy towards her Rabbit, and looking down to where the knot in my rope coiled through my harness, with no one to be found and flying upward on my own line, there it was, my brand new Mini Traxion glistening in the sun.
And I got it.
Alexis McLean is an artist and climber living in Denver, Colorado. You can get a glimpse at her brilliant artwork by visiting her website.
This. Is awesome.
Nice bit of writing.