The Climbing Zine is a creative collective fueled by passion, dirt, and rocks.
As I’ve said and written before, my favorite thing about publishing The Zine is the connections it helps create. I am able to connect with people that I wouldn’t otherwise be connected to if I didn’t publish this zine. Thus is the case with the legendary climber Jimmie Dunn. by Luke Mehall I met…
A roommate and dear friend of mine used to talk both eloquently and incessantly about her Purple Rabbit. She would describe its power, its pleasuring capabilities with the benefits of independence and non-attachment. Often I thought she shared to entertain our friends’ appalled reactions, although over time, I realized her serious appreciation for her rabbit.…
As time goes by our original issues of The Climbing Zine have become collector’s items. Since we printed so few of our first issues, by my estimates there are less than 10 complete collections out there. So when we post up back issues they are scooped up by avid readers right away. Now we’re introducing…
We are psyched to announce our next “Zine Thing” for Thursday, May 23rd at the Gravity Lab in Durango. We’ll be celebrating the release of our latest issue: Volume 24. Our “zine things” are always FREE and include presentations from Luke Mehall, and other guests. Items from our Dirtbag State of Mind clothing line, books,…
“He always called me James instead of Jimmie.” Jimmie Dunn told me these words each time I’ve had a conversation with him about his dear friend, the late Ed Webster, over these last few months. Jimmie has thousands of climbing stories and has climbed with hundreds of people, but it’s not hard to tell that…
“You’re on belay, Mom.” “What does that mean?” she replied. “You’re safe, Mom. Climb when ready.” Over the last five-plus years of her life, before she passed away from complications caused by dementia, we’d often say, “You’re safe, Mom,” in an effort to calm a growing sense of restlessness and panic. Story by D Scott…
Think back over your climbing career. I bet you’ll find a climb—or two—that define you. These won’t be your hardest sends necessarily. They will be the beautiful ones, the scary ones, the ones that came into your life at just the right time. The ones that tested you, that possessed you, that shaped your character…
We meet in the parking lot at dusk. Cold winds curl the sandstone cliffs whose strange shapes speak of time This poem was published in Volume 20 of The Climbing Zine, now available. Banner photo by the author I will never know. We leave without gear though Michelle shouts from the back of the truck, …